The blank canvas.

For Christmas last, Justin gave me a blank 40×40″ canvas.  This could mean :”Here, paint your own present!”, or it could mean “I believe you can make something better out of this”…  Which is something like what he said.

Being 32 weeks pregnant with the twins at the time, I was in and out of hospital ante-natally and was in no fair condition to deal with the canvas – so it went up on a wall of our house to protect it from Sabina, and for its blankness to be in my constant awareness.

Finally I have turned my attention to it, and this week has seen 4 layers of thin gesso application, one per day, one per evening.  Last night I began mapping out the pattern and this morning I bought one tube of grey paint.  So something is about to happen.

I forgot to photograph it while blank, so you will have to imagine what 40×40 inches of white looks like.  If I am brave enough and happy enough with the outcome I will post the finished work.  The last painting I completed was in Easter 2006.

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